Wednesday, November 23, 2005

CEOs have the same crappy internet service as you do....

While trying to get a message to Sea Ray about some ad company of theirs spamming my email, I did a little research and found some hidden email addresses of not only Sea Ray's top brass, but of Brunswick, who owns Sea Ray.

George Buckley, the CEO of the entire Brunswick Corp, responded to my email and agreed spamming was no way to sell boats. He had no idea it was going on but, I suspect, someone's gonna catch hell in the morning. He also asked me what had happened to me in 1997 with regards to his dealer, Sea Ray of Charleston and what happened to my little jetboat that wasn't right. So, I answered his questions with a short version of my sad jetboat story this Sunday morning. I just got a reply from him, tonight I thought you'd all like to get a little kick out of:

His reply:


My internet connection is down at the moment so I'm sending a short note of acknowledgement from my Blackberry. Can't type on this thing worth a hoot.

I'll send you a longer reply once my internet is back up. Suffice to say the Sea Rayder was not one of Sea Ray's better ideas.

I'll be in touch soon.

Best wishes


Isn't it nice to know that the Chief Executive Officer of a major US corporation has the same crappy internet service YOU do? This is the guy with the corp jet, big house on the water, 7 figure income plus stock options....running some really big corporations....Mercury Marine, Sea Ray, Bayliner, Hatteras and a lot of other boating companies, Brunswick Sporting Goods and who else knows what they're into now.

I'm still amazed he replied to my email the first time. Maybe he needs someone to sneak around the company and find out what the hell is REALLY going on!....hee hee.

The messages are legit. I tracked the IPs and server addresses to Brunswick headquarters' main server when I thought it was a fake.

My opinion of Brunswick's assets may change.....


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