Monday, June 06, 2005

Back to work again.

I finally got a new job. It has to do with wireless security. Still do not fully understand what the job entails. I signed my intent to work and all of the admin paperwork a little over a week ago.

They finally called me today asking me to start Tuesday morning. The phone call was followed up with an email giving the location, and a contact to get into the building.

Do not know what the job really is. They had asked for someone with a lot of RF surveillance experience. During the interviews they mainly asked about WiFi technology. Not a lot was asked about my RF skills.

My training comes from the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) field. In that line of work we would do a detailed search for hidden video and audio monitoring equipment. My last job was working at the Department of Energy (DOE) as a TSCM Tech conducting analysis of DOE facilities in the DC area. Only did this job for 8 months.

Prior to DOE I had spent the last five (5) years working for the White House. We took care of the 18 acres (where the White House is) and several buildings around the DC area. We also traveled ahead of the President, Vice President and NSC reps. That was a great job. I was able to travel all over the States and the world.


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